Wednesday, January 26, 2011

PSP 2 Official [UPDATED]

            Quick update, the PSP 2 was officially announced about five minutes ago. Here is a quick rundown courtesy of the Playstation Blog

We're seeing NGP - dual analogs sticks, 5 inch OLED display, 3G and GPS, front and rear touchpads, electronic compass on 3 axes. Awesome iconography on the back.

NGP is the codename, full specs will be up later tonight. So it finally happened, and it is said to be releasing this holiday season, but it was not specified if that was Japan or worldwide. More info later.

Engadget has a nice picture of the device and some pictures of games running on it. Confirmed titles include Little Big Planet, Uncharted, and Killzone just to name some heavy hitters. Also, here is a picture.

Updated Dead Space 2 First Impressions

            Dead Space 2 has given me mixed emotions thus far. Many times those emotions are fear, surprise, and self-pity, because of the former emotions. The rest of the time had me excited, thrilled, and blown away, at some points saying, “This is the best game ever.” Granted many of those statements were spur of the moment, Dead Space 2 is easily one of the best games I have played this generation, and it is already up there on my all time list. I still have most of the game to go, but here is an update for what I have gone through so far.

Updated First Impressions of Two Worlds II

I have gotten around to getting some real playing time into Two Worlds II. I still have not begun the single player campaign; rather I have been preparing my online character. Two Worlds II allows you to create several different characters as many different classes and races. My first character is a pole-arm bearing half-orc. The same character who was earlier trounced in the Deathmatch game. Obviously, he needed some work. I decided to solo the first adventure mission to gain some easy experience and upgrade my items.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First Impressions

Well as everyone knows, Dead Space 2 and Two Worlds II released today. Heres a few things on each.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Coming soon to a Playstation 3 near me.

            Well Dead Space 2 and Two Worlds II both launch on Tuesday. I'd like to say I could be more excited, but I don't think I could do my day to day if I was. I like scary games, I don't know why, but I do. Dead Space was the only scary game I played through a second time, and one of the few games where I went for thirds.

Hey look at me! I have a blog! W-why aren't you looking?

Well I've said dozens of times I'd start a blog up, and by god I'm going to finally do it. Expect to see a lot about games, from reviews to opinions of the industry. I'll think about adding some of my writing for the viewing pleasure of my audience of one.