I have gotten around to getting some real playing time into Two Worlds II. I still have not begun the single player campaign; rather I have been preparing my online character. Two Worlds II allows you to create several different characters as many different classes and races. My first character is a pole-arm bearing half-orc. The same character who was earlier trounced in the Deathmatch game. Obviously, he needed some work. I decided to solo the first adventure mission to gain some easy experience and upgrade my items.
I spent the first few minutes becoming fully reacquainted with the game. It feels very similar to the first game, but there are some very noticeable additions and tweaks that make the game feel substantially better than its predecessor does. First are the visuals, which are not only strikingly colorful, but good from a technical standpoint as well. They may not be the best out there, but the array of colors, the lighting; it combined to really please the eyes. I would put it in the same category as Oblivion, but slightly more refined.
Next, I dove right into combat, which is a massive improvement over the original. Anyone who played the first game knew that the combat lacked anything special, it was just enough to slay your enemies. Two Worlds II introduces new combat abilities to be used in battle such as area of effect attacks, counters, block breakers, and more. It’s not just things like pulling further on a bow string or kicking sand in someone’s face Not to mention that things run a lot smoother thanks to the steady framerate.
There are other little things like much improved voice acting, and actual story in the multiplayer adventure, and even smaller things like a sprint button. They all combine to make the game that much better. To be honest, it is almost difficult to imagine that this game is in any way related to the original in anything other than continuing its story. I will have more in the review when I finally finish the single player campaign, but know that I would highly recommend Two Worlds II to any RPG fan or anyone looking for a good game they can sink a lot of time into and still have fun. Fans of the original…all ten of us…well we already bought the game so I am not going to tell you to buy it again. I hope that the rest of the servers come up soon so I can get some co-op action going. Until then keep checking back for updates on the single player.
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