Thursday, March 31, 2011

Crysis 2 Review

           In 2007, Crytek released their newest feast for the eyes, Crysis. To this day, it's not a true gaming rig unless it can run Crysis. Oh and it was also a pretty good shooter. Now Crytek, having already dominated your eyes, wants to dominate the FPS market. Crysis 2 sets out to be a better shooter than the original in every aspect while still maintaining its visual prowess. It is also the launch of their latest engine, Cry Engine 3, as well as their first foray into consoles. We'll be taking a look at the console version, specificity the PS3 version of the game.

Updates and Begging

Well hello there, fancy meeting you here.
I will have the Crysis 2 review up later today, or at least within the next 24 hour period. You should also be expecting a review for the final piece of Mass Effect 2 DLC, Arrival. As for other reviews, I'm not going to make promises I may...or may not keep. Now, you my viewers, I have a request. If you could find it in your heart of hearts to tell some friends about my little operation here I would greatly appreciate it. The more people visit, the more inclined I will be to keep content flowing. After seeing how unviewed the new 10 Minutes With videos have been, it's hard to want to keep putting up new stuff. After Crysis 2 and Arrival, I can't guarantee much. If you have and questions, comments, concerns, or hell, even complaints, send an e-mail to Yes I realize there are 2 .com's involved, but it's kinda catchy and operationzeroblog was taken already. I may have done it before, but I don't know. Well that's all for now. Keep it here!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mass Effect 2 Review (PS3)

           The Mass Effect franchise has been praised for its prefect blend of action and RPG elements as well as its excellent story. Many Playstation fans have missed out on the series thus far, but no longer. EA and Bioware have finally brought Mass Effect 2 to the PS3, including all of its previously released downloadable content. Rather than get into each and every bit of content, this review will focus on the package as a whole, and let me tell you, it’s one hell of a package.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

10 Minutes With: Plants vs Zombies (PS3) Featuring Tony from Tony Tell'em!

10 Minutes With, the new segment

Good news everyone! (In the voice of the professor)
The Operation Zero Blog will now feature a new segment called 10 Minutes With. This segment will simply be 10 minutes with a game. The first video will be up in moments and features a friend of mine, Tony from the soon to be popular Tony Tell'em. He and I spend some quality time in Plants vs Zombies on the Playstation 3. Also, take a look at Tony's other videos here and show him some love if you like them. Keep it here for more stuff in the future!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Quick Update

I'm getting to work finishing up some reviews, but I've been watching Fullmetal Alchemist Brootherhood lately and it has been keeping me from playing...because I allow it to. Well good news for you (and bad for me) is I ran out of English dubbed episodes and I hate subtitles so I'm stuck waiting for more. In the mean time I'll be getting into Dragon Age II and more Two Worlds II. I'm also expecting the new Dissedia game to arrive soon and I hope to have Crysis 2 done by the end of the week. Well that's all for now I guess.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I HATE Dead Space 2 Hard Core...

Though I am taking the loss of about four hours of gameplay better than I thought...I got punked by the vacuum glass in the small room in chapter nine...back to chapter five...someday. That is all.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I finally did it!

It only took a year but I finally brought myself to grind out the rest of Final Fantasy XIII. Any interest out there in a review?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dead Space 2 Severed Review

Dead Space 2 Severed is a good expansion for people who just want more Dead Space or fans of Dead Space Extraction. Severed follows Gabe Weller, an Isihmura security officer featured in Extraction, as he tries to save his wife from the latest necromorph outbreak on the Sprawl.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Coming Soon

Well first off, thanks to anyone keeping up with whats going on. Second, feel free to leave feedback in the for of comments on specific posts or here if you want, just let me know how things are from the reader's perspective. Finally, I want to let everyone know that I will be posting some reviews for Android and iOS games in the coming future. Since gaming is becoming more and more of a priority on those platforms, and I have easy access to them, expect some reviews for popular games and maybe a few you wouldn't think to check out. Also I'm hoping to get some video content going, starting with a video review of the Move Sharpshooter, and possibly a sort of introduction to Android at the request of a friend. Keep checking back for some new stuff over the coming weeks.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Well I've been busy

For those who haven't noticed, both the Dead Space 2 and Killzone 3 reviews have been posted, give them a read. More to come soon!

Killzone 3 Review

          Killzone 2 released just about two years ago and had a lot to live up to. There was the pre-rendered E3 2005 trailer drama which led to lofty expectations. Quite frankly, very few people though Guerrilla Games could make a game that looked as good as that trailer. Let's be honest with ourselves. Killzone was a decent game but nothing special, and before that they were a Game Boy developer. Against all odds they not only launched a game that rivaled and in some ways surpassed that trailer, but the game itself was great. Killzone 2 became the premier shooter experience for the PlayStation 3, but Guerrilla wasn't about to rest on that. After completing Killzone 2 they began work on Killzone 3. There were no pre-rendered trailers to compete with or exorbitant hype, this time it was about making an even better game. While shorter than Killzone 2, Killzone 3 has a worthwhile single player campaign and further refined multiplayer making it once again, the definitive shooter on the PS3.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dead Space 2 Review

          Let me preface this review with some history. Back in 2008 I HATED EA with a passion. Between the little to no innovation in their sports franchises and the fact that they released poor games just to make a buck, EA was on the top of many gamers' do not buy list. EA, not content with their status in the industry, announced that they would be changing their strategy. Quality over quantity would be their new words to live by, and it would start in October, and with a new IP at that. The game was Dead Space. Many saw it as Resident Evil in space and didn't give it a second look, but there was something about it. Maybe it was that great visuals, or the moody atmosphere, but something about it called out to me. Dead Space turned out to be not only one of the top games of the year, but one of the best survival horror games of all time. Now the sequel is here and has a lot to live up to, luckily it does, while surpassing the original in almost every way.

So I'm pretty bad at this

Ok, so there has been a lot going on lately. Not getting into anything personal, I've had my fair share of trouble. I guess on the bright side, if you can call it that...I'll have more time for updates. Expect the long awaited(?) Dead Space 2 review as well as a review of the Severed DLC. There should be a few other reviews coming as well, such as Killzone 3 and Mass Effect 2(PS3). Hopefully things really get going now. Thanks to anyone who has been checking in, if you have please comment on...something...anything...just so I know you're out there. That'll be the extra push I need to get things going.